Fast and Accurate Traction Induction Machine Performance Calculation Method for Integrated Onboard Charging in Vehicle to Grid Application


Cai Haiwei,Huang Ru,Zhai Hao,Xu Honghua,Liu Shaojun,Xu Jingzhou


Reusing traction electric machine windings in electric vehicles as an integrated filtering inductor is a promising solution to reduce the size of the vehicle to grid (V2G) charging/discharging system. Obviously, the integrated inductors need to meet the requirements of traction and charging/discharging, which brings challenge for the design of traction machines. As one of the most popular traction electric machine types, the high-speed induction machine usually has large electrical time constant and consequently unacceptably long transient time in the design stage when finite element analysis is adopted. In this article, a method is proposed to quickly and accurately calculate the steady state performance of the induction machine by time-stepping transient magnetic finite element analysis. First, the stator current magnitude is ramped up from zero to full magnitude gradually to control the DC component in rotor flux and torque. Second, a multistep equivalent resistance method is adopted to decrease rotor time constant and suppress slot-tooth harmonic transient response. The proposed method can predict the FEA computation load before running the calculation, and it does not rely on the machine parameter and feedback signal. Its performance is tested by an example induction machine. The result shows that the proposed method can reduce the finite element calculation time of a high-speed operating point by 99%.


Frontiers Media SA


Economics and Econometrics,Energy Engineering and Power Technology,Fuel Technology,Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment

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