Chondroitin Sulfate as a Potential Modulator of the Stem Cell Niche in Cornea


Ashworth Sean,Harrington Jodie,Hammond Greg M.,Bains Kiranjit K.,Koudouna Elena,Hayes Anthony J.,Ralphs James R.,Regini Justyn W.,Young Robert D.,Hayashi Ryuhei,Nishida Kohji,Hughes Clare E.,Quantock Andrew J.


Chondroitin sulfate (CS) is an important component of the extracellular matrix in multiple biological tissues. In cornea, the CS glycosaminoglycan (GAG) exists in hybrid form, whereby some of the repeating disaccharides are dermatan sulfate (DS). These CS/DS GAGs in cornea, through their presence on the proteoglycans, decorin and biglycan, help control collagen fibrillogenesis and organization. CS also acts as a regulatory ligand for a spectrum of signaling molecules, including morphogens, cytokines, chemokines, and enzymes during corneal growth and development. There is a growing body of evidence that precise expression of CS or CS/DS with specific sulfation motifs helps define the local extracellular compartment that contributes to maintenance of the stem cell phenotype. Indeed, recent evidence shows that CS sulfation motifs recognized by antibodies 4C3, 7D4, and 3B3 identify stem cell populations and their niches, along with activated progenitor cells and transitional areas of tissue development in the fetal human elbow. Various sulfation motifs identified by some CS antibodies are also specifically located in the limbal region at the edge of the mature cornea, which is widely accepted to represent the corneal epithelial stem cell niche. Emerging data also implicate developmental changes in the distribution of CS during corneal morphogenesis. This article will reflect upon the potential roles of CS and CS/DS in maintenance of the stem cell niche in cornea, and will contemplate the possible involvement of CS in the generation of eye-like tissues from human iPS (induced pluripotent stem) cells.


Frontiers Media SA


Cell Biology,Developmental Biology







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