Advances in Citrus Flowering: A Review


Agustí M.,Reig C.,Martínez-Fuentes A.,Mesejo C.


Citrusare polycarpic and evergreen species that flower once in spring or several times a year depending on the genotype and the climatic conditions. Floral induction is triggered by low temperature and water-deficit stress and occurs 2–3 months before bud sprouting, whereas differentiation takes place at the same time as sprouting. The induced buds develop single flowers or determinate inflorescences, so that vegetative growth is required at the axillary buds to renew the polycarpic habit. The presence of fruits inhibits sprouting and flower induction from nearby axillary buds in the current season. In some species and cultivars, this results in low flowering intensity the following spring, thus giving rise to alternate bearing. A number of key flowering genes act in the leaf (CiFT3,CcMADS19, etc.) or in the bud (CsLFY,CsTFL1, etc.) to promote or inhibit both flowering time and reproductive meristem identity in response to these climatic factors, the fruit dominance, or the age of the plant (juvenility). The expression of some of these genes can be modified by gibberellin treatments, which reduce bud sprouting and flowering in adult trees, and constitute the main horticultural technique to control flowering in citrus. This review presents a comprehensive view of all aspects of the flowering process in citrus, converging the research published during the past half century, which focused on plant growth regulators and the nutritional source-sink relationships and guided research toward the study of gene transcription and plant transformation, and the advances made with the development of the tools of molecular biology published during the current century.


Frontiers Media SA


Plant Science

Reference170 articles.

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4. The influence of flowering intensity on the shedding of reproductive structures in sweet orange;Agustí;Sci. Hortic.,1982

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