Liu Jian,Lu Wenbo,Yuan Ye,Xin Kuankuan,Zhao Peng,Gu Xiao,Raza Asif,Huo Hong,Li Zhaoyu,Fang Tao
Understanding the structure–function relationship in a neuronal network is one of the major challenges in neuroscience research. Despite increasing researches at circuit connectivity and neural network structure, their structure-based biological interpretability remains unclear. Based on the attractor theory, here we develop an analytical framework that links neural circuit structures and their functions together through fixed point attractor in Caenorhabditis elegans. In this framework, we successfully established the structural condition for the emergence of multiple fixed points in C. elegans connectome. Then we construct a finite state machine to explain how functions related to bistable phenomena at the neural activity and behavioral levels are encoded. By applying the proposed framework to the command circuit in C. elegans, we provide a circuit level interpretation for the forward-reverse switching behaviors. Interestingly, network properties of the command circuit and first layer amphid interneuron circuit can also be inferred from their functions in this framework. Our research indicates the reliability of the fixed point attractor bridging circuit structure and functions, suggesting its potential applicability to more complex neuronal circuits in other species.