Single-cell RNA-seq analysis and cell-cluster deconvolution of the human preovulatory follicular fluid cells provide insights into the pathophysiology of ovarian hyporesponse


Roos Kristine,Rooda Ilmatar,Keif Robyn-Stefany,Liivrand Maria,Smolander Olli-Pekka,Salumets Andres,Velthut-Meikas Agne


Reduction in responsiveness to gonadotropins or hyporesponsiveness may lead to the failure of in vitro fertilization (IVF), due to a low number of retrieved oocytes. The ovarian sensitivity index (OSI) is used to reflect the ovarian responsiveness to gonadotropin stimulation before IVF. Although introduced to clinical practice already years ago, its usefulness to predict clinical outcomes requires further research. Nevertheless, pathophysiological mechanisms of ovarian hyporesponse, along with advanced maternal age and in younger women, have not been fully elucidated. Follicles consist of multiple cell types responsible for a repertoire of biological processes including responding to pituitary gonadotropins necessary for follicle growth and oocyte maturation as well as ovulation. Encouraging evidence suggests that hyporesponse could be influenced by many contributing factors, therefore, investigating the variability of ovarian follicular cell types and their gene expression in hyporesponders is highly informative for increasing their prognosis for IVF live birth. Due to advancements in single-cell analysis technologies, the role of somatic cell populations in the development of infertility of ovarian etiology can be clarified. Here, somatic cells were collected from the fluid of preovulatory ovarian follicles of patients undergoing IVF, and RNA-seq was performed to study the associations between OSI and gene expression. We identified 12 molecular pathways differentially regulated between hypo- and normoresponder patient groups (FDR<0.05) from which extracellular matrix organization, post-translational protein phosphorylation, and regulation of Insulin-like Growth Factor (IGF) transport and uptake by IGF Binding Proteins were regulated age-independently. We then generated single-cell RNA-seq data from matching follicles revealing 14 distinct cell clusters. Using cell cluster-specific deconvolution from the bulk RNA-seq data of 18 IVF patients we integrated the datasets as a novel approach and discovered that the abundance of three cell clusters significantly varied between hypo- and normoresponder groups suggesting their role in contributing to the deviations from normal ovarian response to gonadotropin stimulation. Our work uncovers new information regarding the differences in the follicular gene expression between hypo- and normoresponders. In addition, the current study fills the gap in understanding the inter-patient variability of cell types in human preovulatory follicles, as revealed by single-cell analysis of follicular fluid cells.


Eesti Teadusagentuur

Horizon 2020

Ettevõtluse Arendamise Sihtasutus


Frontiers Media SA


Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism

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