Panigoro Sonar Soni,Sutandyo Noorwati,Witjaksono Fiastuti,Siregar Nurjati Chairani,Ramli Ramadhan,Hariani Ririn,Pangarsa Eko Adhi,Prajoko Yan Wisnu,Puruhita Niken,Hamdani William,Bayu Dimas,Madjid Mardiana,Yulidar Dedy,Fransiska Jane Estherina,Widyawati Retno,Tripriadi Effif Syofra,F. W. Wiwit Ade,Yunda Dewi Krisna,Pranata Raymond
BackgroundThis study aims to evaluate the association and dose-response between triglyceride-glucose (TyG) index and breast cancer.MethodThis is a multicenter case-control study conducted in six public referral hospitals in Indonesia. Cases are individuals aged 19 years or above who were diagnosed with breast cancer within 1 year of diagnosis, based on histopathology and immunohistochemistry. Controls were recruited from corresponding hospitals. TyG index was determined by the formula: ln (fasting TG [mg/dl] × fasting glucose [mg/dl]).ResultsThere were 212 participants in the breast cancer group and 212 participants in the control group. TyG index was higher in patients with breast cancer (median 8.65 [7.38, 10.9] vs. 8.30 [7.09, 10.84], p < 0.001). When compared with TyG quartile of Q1, Q4 was associated with an OR of 2.42 (1.77, 3.31), p < 0.001, Q3 was associated with an OR of 1.53 (1.21, 1.93), p < 0.001, Q2 was associated with an OR of 1.39 (1.12, 1.73), p = 0.002 for the risk of breast cancer. The dose-response relationship was nonlinear (p < 0.001). On univariate analysis, smoking (OR 2.15 [1.44, 3.22], p < 0.001), use of contraception (1.73 [1.15, 2.60], p = 0.008), alcohol consumption (OR 2.04 [0.96, 4.35], p = 0.064), and TyG Index >8.87 (OR 3.08 [1.93, 4.93], p < 0.001) were associated with risk of breast cancer. Independently associated with increased risk of breast cancer included smoking (OR 1.93 [1.23, 3.01], p = 0.004), use of contraception (OR 1.59 [1.02, 2.48], p = 0.039), and TyG Index >8.87 (OR 2.93 [1.72, 4.98], p < 0.001)ConclusionTyG index was associated with breast cancer in a nonlinear dose-response fashion.
Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism