Re-emergence of T lymphocyte-mediated synaptopathy in progressive multiple sclerosis


Sanna Krizia,Bruno Antonio,Balletta Sara,Caioli Silvia,Nencini Monica,Fresegna Diego,Guadalupi Livia,Dolcetti Ettore,Azzolini Federica,Buttari Fabio,Fantozzi Roberta,Borrelli Angela,Stampanoni Bassi Mario,Gilio Luana,Lauritano Gianluca,Vanni Valentina,De Vito Francesca,Tartacca Alice,Mariani Fabrizio,Rovella Valentina,Musella Alessandra,Centonze Diego,Mandolesi Georgia


BackgroundSecondary progressive multiple sclerosis (SPMS) is defined by the irreversible accumulation of disability following a relapsing-remitting MS (RRMS) course. Despite treatments advances, a reliable tool able to capture the transition from RRMS to SPMS is lacking. A T cell chimeric MS model demonstrated that T cells derived from relapsing patients exacerbate excitatory transmission of central neurons, a synaptotoxic event absent during remitting stages. We hypothesized the re-emergence of T cell synaptotoxicity during SPMS and investigated the synaptoprotective effects of siponimod, a sphingosine 1-phosphate receptor (S1PR) modulator, known to reduce grey matter damage in SPMS patients.MethodsData from healthy controls (HC), SPMS patients, and siponimod-treated SPMS patients were collected. Chimeric experiments were performed incubating human T cells on murine cortico-striatal slices, and recording spontaneous glutamatergic activity from striatal neurons. Homologous chimeric experiments were executed incubating EAE mice T cells with siponimod and specific S1PR agonists or antagonists to identify the receptor involved in siponimod-mediated synaptic recovery.ResultsSPMS patient-derived T cells significantly increased the striatal excitatory synaptic transmission (n=40 synapses) compared to HC T cells (n=55 synapses), mimicking the glutamatergic alterations observed in active RRMS-T cells. Siponimod treatment rescued SPMS T cells synaptotoxicity (n=51 synapses). Homologous chimeric experiments highlighted S1P5R involvement in the siponimod’s protective effects.ConclusionTransition from RRMS to SPMS involves the reappearance of T cell-mediated synaptotoxicity. Siponimod counteracts T cell-induced excitotoxicity, emphasizing the significance of inflammatory synaptopathy in progressive MS and its potential as a promising pharmacological target.


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