Garrido Belen,Cifuentes Gerardo,Fredes Pedro,Pino Eduardo,Calderón Cristian,Cifuentes-Cabezas Magdalena
Alkaline leaching with highly selective ammoniacal complexing agents is an interesting alternative for the treatment of copper concentrates. This treatment is beneficial for copper recovery because it allows the formation of soluble amines complexes, with cupric tetramine ( Cu(NH3)42+) being the most stable. In order to suppress the unit operation of solvent extraction (SX) and move directly to the electrochemical process, an electro-electrodialysis (EED) process using ion exchange membranes to obtain copper is proposed. The study contemplates the operation with synthetic ammonia solutions containing copper at different concentrations and current density under standard conditions of pressure and temperature. The presented data demonstrate that the concentration of copper in the solution and the excess of ammonia are inversely related to the efficiency of the current and the voltage of the cell, whereas an increase in current density causes an increase in current efficiency, contrary to what happens in sulfuric systems.
Departamento de Investigaciones Científicas y Tecnológicas, Universidad de Santiago de Chile
CYTED Ciencia y Tecnología para el Desarrollo
Universidad de Santiago de Chile
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7 articles.