Life cycle impacts of concentrated solar power generation on land resources and soil carbon losses in the United States


Rangarajan Shreya,Hernandez Rebecca R.,Jordaan Sarah M.


Endpoint impacts related to the transformation of land—including that related to energy infrastructure—have yet to be fully quantified and understood in life cycle assessment (LCA). Concentrated solar power (CSP) which generates electricity by using mirrors to concentrate incoming shortwave radiation onto a receiver, may serve as an alternate source of reliable baseload power in the coming years. As of 2019 (baseline year of the study), the United States (U.S.) had 1.7 GW of installed capacity across a total of eight CSP sites. In this study, we (1) develop an empirical, spatially explicit methodology to categorize physical elements embodied in energy infrastructure using a LCA approach and manual image annotation, (2) use this categorization scheme to quantify land- and ecosystem service-related endpoint impacts, notably potential losses in soil carbon, owing to energy infrastructure development and as a function of electricity generated (i.e., megawatt-hour, MWh); and (3) validate and apply this method to CSP power plants within the U.S. In the Western U.S., CSP projects are sited in Arizona, California, and Nevada. Project infrastructure can be disaggregated into the following physical elements: mirrors (“heliostats”), generators, internal roads, external roads, substations, and water bodies. Of these elements, results reveal that mirrors are the most land intensive element of CSP infrastructure (>90%). Median land transformation and capacity-based land-use efficiency are 0.4 (range of 0.3–6.8) m2/MWh and 40 (range of 11–48) W/m2, respectively. Soil grading and other site preparation disturbances may result in the release of both organic and inorganic carbon—the latter representing the majority stocks in deeper caliche layers—thus leading to potentially significant losses of stored carbon. We estimate three scenarios of soil carbon loss into the atmosphere across 30 years, based on land transformation in m2per megawatt-hour (m2/MWh) and carbon stock in kilograms of carbon per megawatt-hour (kg C/MWh). Results reveal that potential belowground CO2released may range from 7 to 137% of total life cycle CO2emissions. While this study takes a simplistic approach to estimating loss of carbon, the broad methodology provides a valuable baseline for improving comparative analyses of land-related endpoint impacts across energy technologies and other product systems.


Alfred P. Sloan Foundation


Frontiers Media SA


General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Environmental Science







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