Möhler Felix,Fadillioglu Cagla,Stein Thorsten
Fatigue with its underlying mechanisms and effects is a broadly discussed topic and an important phenomenon, particularly in endurance sports. Although several studies have already shown a variety of changes in running kinematics with fatigue, few of them have analyzed competitive runners and even fewer have focused on middle-distance running. Furthermore, the studies investigating fatigue-related changes have mostly reported the results in terms of discrete parameters [e.g., range of motion (RoM)] in the frontal or sagittal plane, and therefore potentially overlooked effects occurring in subphases of the gait cycle or in the transverse plane. On this basis, the goal of the present study was to analyze the effects of exhaustive middle-distance running on expert runners by means of both discrete parameters and time series analysis in 3D. In this study, 13 runners ran on a treadmill to voluntary exhaustion at their individually determined fatigue speeds which was held constant during the measurements. Kinematic data were collected by means of a 3D motion capture system. Spatiotemporal and stiffness parameters as well as the RoM of joints and of center of mass (CoM) within the stance and flight phases were calculated. Independent t-tests were performed to investigate any changes in means and coefficients of variation (CV) of these parameters between the rested (PRE) and fatigued (POST) state. Statistical parametric mapping method was applied on the time series data of the joints and the CoM. Results from this exploratory study revealed that during a middle-distance run, expert runners change their stance time, rather than their step frequency or step length in order to maintain the constant running speed as long as possible. Increased upper body movements occurred to counteract the increased angular moment of the lower body possibly due to longer stance times. These findings provide insights into adaptation strategies of expert runners during a fatiguing middle-distance run and may serve a valuable information particularly for comparisons with other group of runners (e.g., females or non-athletes) as well with other conditions (e.g., non-constant speed or interval training), and might be useful for the definition of training goals (e.g., functional core training).
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15 articles.