1. 1. Asian Development Bank, 2023. "Pension Reform Note," Fiscal Resilience and Social Protection Support Program (Subprogram 2): Report and Recommendation of the President.
2. 2. Insurance State Supervision Service of Georgia, 2023. Private Voluntary Pension Insurance and registered Pension Schemes' Statistics. Available at insurance.gov.ge
3. 3. Ministry of Economy and Suctainable Development of Georgia, 2016. "Pension Reform in Georgia," the Report of the Government of Georgia, Tbilisi, Georgia
4. 4. National Statistics Office of Georgia, 2023. Statistics, Population and Demography; Employment and Wages. Available at: Population and Demography - National Statistics Office of Georgia (geostat.ge)
5. 5. Nutsubidze T., Khatuna Nutsubidze, 2017. "The Challenge of Pension Reform in Georgia: Non-contributory Pensions and Elderly Poverty." International Social Security Review. Volume 70, Issue 1, pages 79-108.