In recent years, copper(II) oxide (CuO) thin films have attracted great interest from researchers due to their unique physical and chemical properties. In this study, silver (Ag) doped copper oxide thin films were produced on glass substrate by applying rotational coating technique at various additive ratios. Structural, morphological and optical properties of thin films prepared due to different silver doping were investigated using X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscope (SEM) and UV-vis, respectively. XRD patterns of Ag-doped CuO films showed that all thin films were tenorite structured with polycrystalline nature. For the most prominent orientations, stress, interplanetary distance, crystal size and dislocation density were calculated using X-ray diffraction analysis. The highest crystal size value (111) belongs to the unadulterated CuO film for its preferential orientation, and it can be said to have high quality crystallinity. SEM measurement shows the presence of homogeneously dispersed nanostructure particles on the thin film surfaces, with very little agglomeration on the film surfaces. The result of SEM images is similar to the atomic force microscope (AFM). With the FEI Quanta 250 FEG scanning electron microscope with EDX coupling, the layer thickness of the films is around 460 nm. In addition, the optical properties of the obtained samples were analyzed in terms of band gap measurements, absorption and transmittance values using UV-vis. Ultraviolet-visible measurements of thin films show that the transmittance and absorption values of CuO thin film at room temperature change as a result of Ag doping. Likewise, the energy band gap changed with increasing Ag doping ratio.
Van Yuzuncu Yil University