2. Ondokuz Mayis University
This study aims to determine the reliability of age determination by comparing whole and section otoliths of Cyprinus carpio species living in Altınkaya Dam Lake (ADL) and Bafra Fish Lakes (BFL). Fish samples (117 individuals) were obtained between 2017-2018, and the total lengths of each fish were measured (±0.1 cm) and their weights (±0.01 g) were weighed. Ages were determined from the distal surfaces of all otoliths (asteriscus) and transversal sections were taken. Percent agreement, average percent error and coefficient of variation were calculated. In the population, total lengths ranged between 17.8-69.3 cm and weights ranged between 67.57-5 412 g. The ages read in whole and section otoliths were determined as 2-6, 2-7 in ADL and 1-8,0-7 in BFL, respectively. It is the section otolith method with the highest percent agreement (75.43% and 71.67%, respectively), the lowest mean percent error (3.89; 3.98) and coefficient of variation (5.11; 5.29) for ADL and BFL. For age determination of C.carpio species in both localities, it has been determined that the age readings obtained by the section otolith method provide more reliable results than the whole otolith method.
Van Yuzuncu Yil University
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