In this study, Herby cheese produced from sheep milk using Sirmo (Allium vineale L.), Mendi (Chaerophyllum macropodum Boiss.) and Siyabo (Ferula rigidula DC.) herbs, were investigated changes occurring during ripening in terms of chemical and biochemical properties. For this purpose, both traditional and industrial production techniques were used in the production of Herby cheese. During ripening half of Herby cheese samples were stored in vacuum packaged, half of them in brined form. On the 2nd, 30th, 60th and 90th days of ripening, the samples were taken for % dry matter, % total nitrogen, % fat, % salt, pH, % WSN, % TCA-SN and % PTA-SN. The results showed that the average % fat, pH, % WSN, % TCA values of Herby cheeses produced from raw milk were higher than Herby cheeses produced from pasteurized milk. In addition, it was determined that the average % ash, % WSN, % TCA, % PTA values of Herby cheeses increased over time during the storage period, and the average pH and % salt content of the samples stored in brine were higher than those of Herby cheeses stored in vacuum packaging. It has been determined that chemical and biochemical properties vary depending on the storage time, packaging type and production techniques in Herby cheese samples produced by adding different herbs.
Van Yuzuncu Yil University
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