Optimizing Disaster Communication Models for Trust and Participation


Fahrianoor Fahrianoor,Muhammad Nizar HidayatORCID


This study examines the disaster communication models employed by the Tabalong Regency BPBD in South Kalimantan, Indonesia, focusing on trust-building and community participation in flood disaster management. Employing a qualitative approach, the research delves into the use of social media platforms, particularly WhatsApp, Instagram, and Facebook, by disaster stakeholders, including BPBD and the Self-Help Disaster Management Unit (UPBS). Literature study and field observations, including direct observations and stakeholder interviews, contribute to data collection. Interactive Model Data Analysis is utilized for data analysis. The findings reveal that Tabalong's effective disaster communication relies on trustworthy information dissemination through social media. Dialogical communication, facilitated by UPBS, enhances community trust and active participation. The models are characterized by ongoing dialogue, feedback mechanisms, and community-driven initiatives. The study underscores the success of Tabalong's disaster communication models in building trust and fostering community involvement. Challenges in model transferability to other regions necessitate contextual adaptations, emphasizing the importance of local organizations and supportive social settings. The research contributes insights into enhancing disaster resilience through tailored communication strategies.


Universitas Lambung Mangkurat


Cendekia Muda Sejahtera

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