Assessing Levels of Lead Contamination in Soil and Predicting Pediatric Blood Lead Levels in Tema, Ghana


Aboh Innocent Joy Kwame12,Sampson Manukure Atiemo12,Nyaab Leticia Abra-Kom123,Caravanos Jack4,Ofosu Francis Gorman1,Kuranchie-Mensah Harriet12


1. 1 Ghana Atomic Energy Commission, Legon, Ghana

2. 2 Graduate School of Nuclear and Allied Sciences, University of Ghana, Atomic Campus, Ghana

3. 3 Environmental Protection Agency Ghana, Accra East Region, Ashiaman, Ghana

4. 4 CUNY School of Public Health, Hunter College, New York, NY, U.S.A.


Background. Tema, Ghana's main industrial city, has many areas that are suspected to be contaminated by lead. Elevated lead levels can affect, among many other issues, mental development, kidney function and blood chemistry. Children are particularly at risk. Objectives. The objective of this study was to determine the concentration of lead in soil from selected sites in Tema and how these levels relate to local pediatric blood lead predictions. Methods. A total of 47 surface soil samples were taken from 9 different sites. Energy dispersive X-ray technique was employed to determine the levels of lead. Pediatric blood lead levels were estimated using the Integrated Exposure Uptake Bio-Kinetic Model For Lead in Children, developed by the U.S. EPA. Results. The study revealed that the selected sites are highly contaminated by lead. In particular, the concentration of Pb in soil at a used lead acid battery recycling facility exceeded regulatory limits for industrial soil as set by the U.S. EPA. The model for predicting concentrations of lead in the blood of age-specific children showed extremely high probabilities of BLLs exceeding regulatory limits. Conclusions. Based on the results of soil testing, sites that were expected to reveal lead exposure positively demonstrated high levels of contamination, in some areas exceeding U.S. and other national regulatory limits. This information is expected to help authorities make informed clean-up decisions.


Blacksmith Institute


Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis,Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health,Pollution

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