Arslan Hakan Murat,Küçük Ahmet
The Arabic word for „ İktisat (Economics)” is derived from the root „intention”. Legal science defines “intent” as performing an act consciously. Economic science defines “İktisat” (economics) as the conscious prioritization of a person’s primary requirements over their secondary desires. Since intent serves as the true foundation for the administration of justice, it may be claimed that what is fair economically is also fair. In the study, examples of economic and fair administrations that can provide social welfare have been evaluated economically sociologically in the historical process. To prove the main idea of the study, the data of the international democracy rule of law indexes were used. In this context, the financial data during the one-party period, the military coups and the memorandum periods in which democracy and the rule of law were suspended in Turkey were analyzed in depth and interpreted by comparing them with the country’s financial sociologic indicators. Also, economic changes in periods when civil and political rights were limited or expanded will be discussed in the study. As a result, it has been found out that only democratic regimes that internalize liberal values, civil and political rights, and the rule of law can lead their respective societies to achieve economic prosperity.
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