Characteristics of granulated activated carbon from a mixture of plant raw material waste
Container-title:Bulletin of the Tomsk Polytechnic University Geo Assets Engineering
Safin Rushan G.,Sotnikov Viktor G.
Relevance. The need to increase the use of renewable energy sources in the economy to reduce the harmful effects on the environment. Aim. To assess the possibility of obtaining by the thermochemical method high-quality carbon adsorbents from a granular mixture of various wastes of plant origin. Objects. Samples of illiquid lumpy birch wood, walnut shells, sunflower seed husks, flax fires, anthracite coal. Methods. Physical experiments: conductive pyrolysis, water-steam activation and differential thermal analysis. The ash content and moisture content of the samples were determined according to SS R 56881-2016 and SS 33503-2015. Nitrogen adsorption isotherms were measured using a NOVA-1200e analyzer. The equilibrium activity for toluene was determined according to SS 8703-74, the adsorption activity for iodine was determined according to SS 6217-74. The determination of the density of the granules was carried out according to SS 15139-69. Results. The authors have established rational parameters for obtaining carbon adsorbents from granules of vegetable raw materials. The specific yield of pyrolysis products of a mixture of vegetable raw materials with pyrolysis resin was determined. The specific yield of carbonization products of the granular compacted mass showed an increase of 25% in comparison with the non-compacted mixture of vegetable raw materials. Rational parameters for obtaining activated carbon with the highest adsorption capacity are granules with a density of 1200 kg/m3 with a degree of burnout of the carbonization product of 70%. It was established that the obtained samples of adsorbents from granules of plant raw materials have high adsorption characteristics comparable to activated carbons obtained from fossil raw materials.
National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University