1. Hue University
2. The University of Danang
One of the important classes of modules is the class of multiplication modules over a commutative ring. This topic has been considered by many authors and numerous results have been obtained in this area. After that, Tuganbaev also considered the multiplication module over a noncommutative ring. In this paper, we continue to consider the automorphism-invariance of multiplication modules over a noncommutative ring. We prove that if $R$ is a right duo ring and $M$ is a multiplication, finitely generated right $R$-module with a generating set $\{m_1, \dots , m_n\}$ such that $r(m_i) = 0$ and $[m_iR: M] \subseteq C(R)$ the center of $R$, then $M$ is projective. Moreover, if $R$ is a right duo, left quasi-duo, CMI ring and $M$ is a multiplication, non-singular, automorphism-invariant, finitely generated right $R$-module with a generating set $\{m_1, \dots , m_n\}$ such that $r(m_i) = 0$ and $[m_iR: M] \subseteq C(R)$ the center of $R$, then $M_R \cong R$ is injective.
The International Electronic Journal of Algebra
Algebra and Number Theory
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