Iliescu Dragos,Gheorghe Marian
Engineering changes represent an important concept for product development by continuous refining of products design in order to add more value to the developed products. Engineering changes concept refers to the product evolution in terms of features, qualities and qualia, it represents the way how the product better fulfils the functions expected by clients. Concepts of product and version spaces are both introduced, along with the conceptual spaces of functions and properties, using an informational viewpoint. An informational model is proposed to offer capabilities in assisting the management of engineering changes. Delta concept is used in modelling of the products improvements management by an explicit versioning technique. Product identity is explained in this paper by the usage of product related information. This relationship shows a specific dynamics since the product evolves over time and the related information regarding the product and his identity evolves too. Specific terminology used within the context is introduced, and concepts related with the product development are represented as part of corresponding conceptual spaces. Aggregating all the information that classify a specific product it is possible to define and to manage the product identity. Paper proposes an informational model for product identity management. Product is considered here, and further analysed, from the ontological perspective of a physical object type endurant, by consequence the information that comes in relation with this endurant are part of the abstract region defining different characteristics. Qualia coming in connection with abstract regions give a particular value of considered qualities in such a manner that the product identity to be defined from the perspectives of: functions, properties and life-cycle.
Carol I National Defence University Publishing House