
Balutoiu Maria anca,Gradinaru Alexandru,Moldoveanu Alin,Moldoveanu Florica,Morar Anca,Nazare Anakarina,Radoi Mireille


Digital technology has already become a necessity of everyday life for any average person in developed countries. Starting from simple tasks like calculus or grammar, to more complex ones like navigation, simulations and appointments, nowadays we rely more and more on technology like smartphones, smartwatches and smart assistants. As this may seem to improve our life and help us in everyday tasks, it may have a negative impact in other areas like culture, education, focus, sustained brain-use or imagination. Libraries, a pillar of culture and education, lose popularity every day in favour of digital content and feeds. This article pioneers the design and the implementation of a modern cultural space to encourage reading and involvement in cultural activities through gamification in a mixed reality context. It is part of the Lib2Life research project that is being carried out by a strategic partnership between national libraries and universities to explore ways that can revitalize libraries and cultural heritage using digital technology. The paper presents a detailed solution design and the refining iterations on the initial concept of adding mixed reality game quests inside national libraries activity. The quests will get users to involve in captivating adventure games the will require them to use digital technology alongside real libraries or cultural events in order to solve the puzzle. Furthermore, the solution has a user-centered perspective, where the user can both access the content and contribute with his own content, that increases the potential to create virtual communities that benefit and contribute at the same time. This work is supported by a grant of the Romanian Ministery of Research and Innovation, CCCDI - UEFISCDI, project number PN-III-P1-1.2-PCCDI-2017-0689 / ,,Lib2Life- Revitalizarea bibliotecilor si a patrimoniului cultural prin tehnologii avansate" / "Revitalizing Libraries and Cultural Heritage through Advanced Technologies", within PNCDI III.


Carol I National Defence University Publishing House

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