Synthesis of N-benzoyl Amino Esters and N-benzoyl Amino Acids and their Antifungal Activity


Chiguils-Pérez Yureli,Rodríguez-Hurtado Alejandro Israel,Pérez-Picaso Lemuel,Martínez-Pascual Roxana,Martínez-Rivera María de los Ángeles,Hernández-Núñez Emanuel,Viñas-Bravo Omar,Rosete-Luna Sharon,Martínez-Galero Nelda Xanath


Abstract. A series of N-benzoyl amino esters and N-benzoyl amino acids were synthesized from commercially-available amino acids (Val, Ile, Leu, Ala, Phe, Trp) and were evaluated for their antifungal activity against two filamentous fungi, A. fumigatus and F. temperatum. According to the in vitro assays, five compounds (5-7, 10, 13) exhibited relevant antifungal activity against F. temperatum and two compounds (5 and 7) showed remarkable activity against both fungi strains. Some structure-activity relationships were established regarding the side chain at Ca and the type of substituents on the aromatic ring in the benzoyl moiety. Docking calculations were performed in order to predict binding affinities between compounds prepared herein and fungal chitinase, a potential target against fungi; interactions involving the aromatic rings, the influence on the number of methyl substituents, and configurations on the a-carbon have been analyzed.   Resumen. Una serie de derivados N-benzoilamino ésteres y N-benzoilaminoácidos, sintetizados a partir de aminoácidos disponibles comercialmente (Val, Ile, Leu, Ala, Phe, Trp), se evaluaron como agentes antifúngicos frente a dos hongos filamentosos, A. fumigatus y F. temperatum. De acuerdo con los ensayos in vitro, cinco compuestos (5-7, 10, 13) exhibieron una actividad relevante contra F. temperatum y dos derivados (5 y 7) mostraron una actividad notable contra ambas cepas. Algunas relaciones de estructura actividad permitieron observar el efecto de la cadena lateral del aminoácido, y de los sustituyentes del grupo benzoílo, en la actividad biológica. Se realizaron cálculos de acoplamiento molecular con el propósito de predecir afinidades de enlace entre los compuestos sintetizados y la enzima quitinasa, considerada un blanco molecular potencial. Se analizaron las interacciones que involucran anillos aromáticos, la influencia de los sustituyentes metilo, así como la configuración del Ca.


Sociedad Quimica de Mexico, A.C.


General Chemistry







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