Geotechnical data is often produced and managed by several producers in isolation, in their own formats and standards, which aim to meet the unique needs of specific users, because there is not a defined geospatial geotechnical data storage standard. This article presents the physical implementation of a three-dimensional geotechnical database, based on a data model generated using the Object Modeling Technique for Geographic Applications, composed of information produced by the academy and various administrative institutions of the Federal District Government. More than four thousand quantitative e qualitative geotechnical investigations are available in this structured database that can be accessed by anyone with some geographic information system knowledge using QGIS. Considering that the compiled information was stored by their producers in distinct formats and most of them in a non-digital and without locational information, this work reinforces the need to adoption a standardization of geospatial geotechnical data storage on a unified basis compatible with the National Spatial Data Bank to disseminate this information.
ABMS - Brazilian Association for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering
Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology