1. Teacher of Borojerd Educational Organization
2. Azad University of Borojerd
The purpose of the present research is compare the effects of coagulation factors in non-athletes gilrs after exhaustive anaerobic activity .Present study was semi-emprical that was done on 12 non-athlete female students in range of 18-24 years. Exercise protocol was RAST test, that in which each person passed amain 35 meters of distance for 6 times and rest 10 seconds between each stage.Blood sampling was performed in two stages (before and after).Datas were analyzed with Kolmogorov Smirnov test, Levine's test and two-way ANOVA level (p < 0/05 ). The results showed that anaerobic exercise had a significant influence on partial time Thromboplastin (PTT), and fibrinogen in non-athletic subjects.But there was not significative difference on Prothrombin time (PT), platelet and hematocrit.Findings suggested that a meeting of anaerobic exercise on blood coagulation factor, effectiveness and changes in some of the invoices for training program Drafradghyrfal is important.