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3. S.B. Vakarchuk, M. Sh. Shabozov, The widths of classes of analytic functions in a disc, Mat. Sb. 201(8) (2010) 3–22 (in Russian). Translated in: Sbornik: Mathematics. 201(8) (2010) 1091.
4. M. Sh. Shabozov, M.S. Saidusaynov, On the values of widths and the best linear method of approximation in the weighted Bergman space, Proceedings of the TSU. Natural Science. 3 (2014) 40–57. (in Russian).
5. M.S. Saidusaynov, On the values of widths and the best linear method of approximation in the weighted Bergman space, Proceedings of the TSU. Natural Science. 3 (2015) 91–104. (in Russian).