«I am still the same as I was as Queen»: portraiture, networks, and self-fashioning in the widowhood of Mariana of Neuburg


Cosgrove Aoife


This article examines the self-representation of Mariana of Neuburg, the last Habsburg queen of Spain, as mediated through words, gifts, actions, and images, highlighting how she used art and material culture as vessels of self-fashioning during her widowhood. In the complicated political climate brought about by the War of the Spanish Succession (1701-1714), Mariana was left with few allies and little power, forcing her to carefully manage her behaviour and her image. By studying Mariana’s self-fashioning, in which her portraiture played a central role, it can be shown that the widowed queen continuously adapted her image to respond to changing circumstances. Mariana’s commitment to fostering female networks of support is also investigated, demonstrating just how crucial female solidarity was to the maintenance of widowed or disenfranchised women.


Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad Autonoma de Madrid

Reference43 articles.

1. Armstrong, Edward, Elisabeth Farnese: The Termagant of Spain (London: Longmans, Green and Co., 1892).

2. The Last Will and Codicil of Charles II King of Spain Made the 2d. of October 1700 with the letters that have past betwixt the Most Christian King, and the Regency of Spain, on that Subject: Translated at large from the Authentick Copy, Printed at Paris in Spanish and French, on the French King’s Authority (London: John Porteous, 1701).

3. Flórez, Henrique, Memorias de las Reynas Catholicas, Historia Genealogica de la Casa Real de Castilla y de Leon, todos los infantes: trages de las Reynas en estampas: y nuevo aspecto de la historia de España, 2 Volumes, (Madrid: Antonio Marin, 1761).

4. Vives, Juan Luis, A Verie Fruitfull and Pleasant Booke, Called the Instruction of a Christian Woman. made First in Latin, by the Right Famous Cleark M. Levves Viues, and Translated Out of Latine into Englishe, by Richard Hyrde [De institutione foeminae Christianae.] (London: Robert Walde-graue, 1585).

5. Secondary Sources








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