J. D. Salinger'in Çavdar Tarlasında Çocuklar ile H. R. Gürpınar'ın Ben Deli Miyim? Romanlarında Uyumsuz Karakterler






Comparative literature is a discipline that examines two different works in terms of subject, thought or form, and deals with the similar and different aspects of these works. In this regard it allows comparing the works of authors from various eras and locations. The authors discussed in this study are authors of different times and places. J. D. Salinger is an American author who was born in United States in 1919. On the other hand, Hüseyin Rahmi Gürpınar is an author who was born earlier, in 1864, in Istanbul. Despite the fact that they are authors from different eras and places, there are certain similarities in their works. Regardless of the differences between them, the fact that they have common aspects in their works has created the feeling that it is worth working on. This similarity is primarily based on protagonists of the novels. One of the first points that draw attention in common in both novels is that the protagonists of both novels accuse people of certain characteristics. While Holden is annoyed by people's phoniness, Şadan criticizes people's perceptions of themselves as extremely intelligent. Another feature the two characters have in common is that they both have their own truths. They have their own distinct worldviews and perspectives on events and people. Both characters complain about the artificiality and hypocrisy that surrounds them. The mental health of both characters is not that good. In this regard it becomes essential to compare both authors due to the common features. This study aims to compare Salinger’s The Catcher in the Rye and Gürpınar’s Ben Deli Miyim?


Batman Universitesi

Reference14 articles.

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