Middlebrook Tom,Perttula Timothy K.
The Henry M. site (41NA60) is an early historic (post-A.D. 1680) Allen phase farmstead on a natural rise in the Bayou Loco floodplain in western Nacogdoches County in East Texas. Bayou Loco, a relatively small stream, flows south a few miles to its confluence with the Angelina River. The dam for Lake Nacogdoches on the bayou is about 1.7 miles to the north. Construction of Lake Nacogdoches inundated a number of contemporaneous Allen phase farmsteads- some of which were the scene of 1970s excavations-including 41NA18. The Henry M. site in the mid-1980s. (41NA21), Iron Rock (41NA22), Loco Bottoms (41NA23), and Deshazo (41NA27). The Bayou Loco valley has a high density of historic Caddo settlements.
The natural rise that the Henry M. site is located on was in an 8 acre pasture. This rise is about 50 min diameter, ca. 1 min height, and south a short distance from an eastward-flowing spring-fed tributary to Bayou Loco. The rise has loamy alluvial Marietta soils.
The main part of the Henry M. site has a ca. 10 m diameter midden deposit near the center of the natural rise. The midden deposit contains extensive amounts of Caddo ceramic sherds and many well-preserved animal bones, some mussel shell, and other artifactual debris.
R.W. Steen Library, SFASU
Cited by
9 articles.
1. The Archaeological Findings from the East Texas Archeological Society 2018 Field Day at the Bowles Creek Site (41CE475), Cherokee County, Texas;Index of Texas Archaeology Open Access Grey Literature from the Lone Star State;2019
2. The Lithic and Ceramic Artifacts from the Spradley Site (41NA206), Nacogdoches County, Texas;Index of Texas Archaeology Open Access Grey Literature from the Lone Star State;2018
3. Archaeological Investigations at the Walnut Branch (41CE47), Ross I (41CE485), and Ross II (41CE486) Sites, Cherokee County, Texas;Index of Texas Archaeology Open Access Grey Literature from the Lone Star State;2017
4. A Report and Request toward Building a Canine Burial Corpus;Index of Texas Archaeology Open Access Grey Literature from the Lone Star State;2017
5. Analysis of the Recovered Artifacts from the Controlled Surface Collection at the Peach Orchard Site (41CE477), Cherokee County, Texas;Index of Texas Archaeology Open Access Grey Literature from the Lone Star State;2016