1. Bell, Robert E. 1984 Arkansas Valley Caddoan: The Harlan Phase. In Prehistory of Oklahoma, edited by Robert E. Bell, pp. 221-240. Academic Press, Orlando.
2. Brown, James A. 1984 Prehistoric Southern Ozark Marginality: A Myth Exposed. Special Publication No. 6. Missouri Archaeological Society, Columbia.
3. Brown, James A. 1996 The Spiro Ceremonial Center: The Archaeology of Arkansas Valley Caddoan Culture in Eastern Oklahoma. Memoir No. 29. 2 Vols. Museum of Anthropology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.
4. Chapman, Carl H. 1980 The Archaeology of Missouri, ll. University of Missouri Press, Columbia.
5. Chapman, Carl H., Richard A. Marshall, Robert T. Bray, W. Raymond Wood, Dale R. Henning, Rolland E. Pangborn, Charles M. Keller, and Bonnie B. Keller 1960 Archaeological Investigations in the Table Rock Reservoir Area, Missouri. Archaeological Research Division. University of Missouri, Columbia. Submitted to the National Park Service, Lincoln.