Perttula Timothy,Nelson Rodney
The Barkman site (41BW693) is an ancestral Caddo settlement on a natural alluvial rise in the Red River floodplain in Bowie County, Texas (Figure 1). The rise is on the north side of Clear Lake, an old river channel and now an oxbow lake, about 140 meters northwest of the large platform mound at the Hatchel site (41BW3, see Perttula 2014, 2015, 2018). The Hatchel site is a major ancestral Caddo village and mound center on a natural levee deposit in the floodplain of the Red River in Bowie County, Texas, just a few kilometers west of the Arkansas state line, and on the south side of Clear Lake. The platform mound and the main part of the associated village overlooks two channel lakes of the river; these likely were part of the channel of the river when the site was occupied by the Caddo. The Hatchel site was occupied by the Caddo from at least A.D. 1040 to the late 17th century, and the Barkman site appears to have been occupied contemporaneously much of the time with this ancestral Caddo village and mound center.
R.W. Steen Library, SFASU
Reference8 articles.
1. Fields, R. C. 2019 Spatial Variation in Ripley Engraved Bowls Among the Titus Phase Caddo of Northeast Texas and Communities of Identity. In Ancestral Caddo Ceramic Traditions, edited by D. P. McKinnon, J. S. Girard, and T. K. Perttula. Louisiana State University Press, Baton Rouge, in press.
2. Perttula, T. K. 2014 Archaeological Studies of the Hatchel Site (41BW3) on the Red River in Bowie County, Texas. Special Publication No. 23. Friends of Northeast Texas Archaeology, Austin and Pittsburg.
3. Perttula, T. K. 2015 Caddo Ceramic Vessels from the Hatchel Site (41BW3) on the Red River in Bowie County, Texas. Special Publication No. 39. Friends of Northeast Texas Archaeology, Austin and Pittsburg.
4. Perttula, T. K. 2018 Analysis of the Hatchel Site (41BW3) Platform Mound Ceramic Vessels, Vessel Sections, Sherds, Pipes, and Other Clay Artifacts. Special Publication No. 45. Friends of Northeast Texas Archaeology, Austin and Pittsburg.
5. Perttula, T. K. 2019 East Texas Caddo Ceramic Traditions. In Ancestral Caddo Ceramic Traditions, edited by D. P. McKinnon, J. S. Girard, and T. K. Perttula. Louisiana State University Press, Baton Rouge, in press.