The Effect of Drama Method in Gaining Values: A Meta-Analysis Study






In this study, it was aimed to determine the effect of drama practices on values at the national level. Searches were made in the databases determined in line with the relevant purpose. This meta-analysis study was carried out with 11 experimental studies (18 comparison-data sets) reached as a result of the scanning. At the end of the analysis, it was determined that the studies were heterogeneous. For this reason, the random-effects model was used as a model in the analysis. In this study, the Hedge's g effect level was calculated for each data of the studies and the overall effect levels and significance values were examined. The classification of Cohen et al., (2007) was used to interpret the effect size. The data relating to the studies included in the meta-analysis were analyzed by entering the CMA (Comprehensive Meta-Analysis) and MetaWin software programs. No publication bias was found according to the Funnel plot, Rosenthal Safe N, Duval and Tweedie test results in the studies included in the analysis. In addition, the number of samples, course area, education level and application week that may have an effect on the effect size were determined and analyzed as moderator variables. According to the data obtained from the analysis, it was concluded that the drama method had a strong effect (Hedge's g=1.272) on gaining value to the students. It was concluded that the effect size of the drama method on the values differed according to the number of samples, course area, and education level moderator, but did not differ according to the moderator of the practice week. It is recommended that teachers and researchers use the drama method, which is an effective method in gaining and teaching values, as a method in gaining values for students.


Degerler Egitimi Dergisi


Insect Science,Ecology,Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics

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