Examining the Texts in the Textbooks of Teaching Turkish as a Foreign Language in Terms of Transferring Value


ERDEM İlhan1,BAHŞİ Niymet2





In the process of teaching Turkish to foreign students, the textbooks’ texts are the main tool of Turkish teaching and are important in transferring the values of the national culture to the students. The content of the language learning process also includes the transfer of culture, so the value transfer in the language teaching materials should be planned and their contents should be arranged accordingly. The aim of this research is to determine to what extent textbooks’ texts that prepared for individuals learning Turkish as a foreign language include values. This study applies descriptive research, which is a one of the methods of qualitative research. The universe of the study consists of Yedi Climate Turkish Teaching Set prepared by Yunus Emre Institute and textbooks prepared by Gazi University TÖMER. A total of ten books, 5 from the Yedi Climate Turkish Teaching Set and 5 from the books prepared by Gazi University TÖMER, were examined. In this study, in which qualitative research was used, data were collected through document analysis. The obtained research data were analyzed through content analysis. As a result of the research, the most common values included in the texts are responsibility and respect. It has been observed that the least common values are patriotism and justice. Another important finding of the research was that the values did not show an equal distribution in exchange rates.


Degerler Egitimi Dergisi


Insect Science,Ecology,Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics

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