Atini Blasius,Rusae Aloysius
Background: The research was carried out in the polyculture area of Nansean Village, North Central Timor Regency. This study aims to determine the diversity of Gastropoda species and also to determine the influence of environmental factors on the Gastropoda life in the polyculture agricultural ecosystem of Nansean Village. Methods: The method used in this research is the quadratic method by placing plots along the transect line. The data analysis technique for Gastropoda diversity was using the Shannon-Winner diversity formula. Results: From the results of the study, it was found that 6 types of Gastropoda namely Achatina fulica with a diversity index (H') of (3.51) were classified as high. Laevicaulis alte Bowd with a diversity index (H') of (1,15) was classified as moderate. Felicaulis sp with a diversity index (H') of (1,25) was classified as moderate, Bradybaena similaris Frussac with a diversity index (H') of (1,26) was classified as moderate. Achatina variegata Bowd with diversity index (H') of (0.92) is low. Doraceras leave sp with a diversity index (H') of (0.87) is low. Species diversity shows the pattern of adaptation to ecosystem conditions is quite good, and vice versa if the type of Gastropoda is low. Conclusions: the environment has a role in diversity variations in Nansean Village, Insana District, and North Central Timor Regency.
University of Muhammadiyah Prof. Hamka (UHAMKA)
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