1. 1) Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency, Investigation Report on Pipe Rupture Incident at Hamaoka Nuclear Power Station Unit-1 (English Version), July 2002, Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, Tokyo, Japan, (2002).
2. 2) Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency, Investigation Report on Pipe Rupture Incident at Hamaoka Nuclear Power Station Unit-1 (Final Report), May 2002, Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, Tokyo, Japan, (2002), [in Japanese].
3. Pipe Rupture Incident of Hamaoka Nuclear Power Station Unit-1
4. 4) Chubu Electric Power Company Inc., Hamaoka Genshiryoku Hatsudensho 1-gou ki—Yonetsujokyokei haikan hadan ni tomonau genshiro shudou teishi ni tsuite— (Saishuu Houkoku), Apr., 2002, [in Japanese].
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