Spectrophotometric analysis of carvedilol in a medication based on aquacomplex of titanium glycerosolvate


Popova Marina I.ORCID,Kobeleva Tatyana A.ORCID,Sichko Alik I.ORCID


Aim to develop a methodology for quantitative spectrophotometric analysis of carvedilol in the "Carvedilosol" medication based on aquacomplex of titanium glycerosolvate. Material and methods. During the analysis we used the pharmaceutical substance "Carvedilol", gel "Tizol", ointment "Carvedilosol" consisting of 0.5% beta-blocker in titanium glycerohydrogel. The spectrophotometry was applied, registration of optical density and electron spectra was performed on spectrophotometer SF-2000. The following parameters were chosen for validation of the methodology: specificity, linearity, precision, correctness. Results. It is reasonable to analyze Carvedilol at a wavelength of 243 nm with the limit of quantitative determination of 0.761 g/ml. The results of the study showed that the weight of carvedilol in the ointment is within acceptable limits (0.0404-0.0548 g) according to the regulatory documentation for soft dosage forms (Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 751n dated 26.10.2015). Conclusion. Optimal conditions for the implementation of spectrophotometric method of analysis were selected for detection of the content of carvedilol in the ointment "Carvedilosol" with a relative error not exceeding 1.80 %.


Samara State Medical University

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