A comparative phytochemical analysis of fresh fruits of some cultivated species of the <i>Crataegus</i> L.


Andreeva Yuliya A.ORCID,Kurkin Vladimir A.ORCID,Pravdivtseva Olga E.ORCID,Zhavkina Tatyana M.ORCID,Rozno Svetlana A.ORCID


Aim a comparative study of the content of flavonoids in the fresh fruits of some cultivated species of the genus Crataegus L. Material and methods. The objects of the study were fresh fruits of Crataegus sanguinea Pall., Crataegus submollis Sarg. and Crataegus flabellata (Bosc ex Spach) K. Koch harvested on the territory of the Botanical Garden of Samara University in September 2022 during their ripening. A direct spectrophotometry was chosen as a study method. Results. The absorption curves of water-alcohol extracts of fresh fruits of the Crataegus flabellata (Bosc ex Spach) K. Koch have a maximum of 280 2 nm due to procyanidins. The highest content of total flavonoid 1.27 0.07% expressed as catechin equivalents was found in the fruits of Crataegus flabellata (Bosc ex Spach) K. Koch. The highest content of the total flavonoids was noted in the exocarp of fresh fruits of the Crataegus flabellata (Bosc ex Spach) K. Koch. Fresh fruits of the Crataegus flabellata (Bosc ex Spach) K. Koch are suitable for obtaining juice, while the content of total flavonoids equivalent to catechin is 0.30 0.02%. Conclusion. Fruits of the North American species Crataegus flabellata (Bosc ex Spach) K. Koch are promising for the procurement of medicinal plant raw materials and use in medical practice.


Samara State Medical University

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