Morphological and anatomical study of <i>Crataegus submollis</i> Sarg. shoots


Volkova Nadezhda A.ORCID,Kurkin Vladmir A.ORCID,Pravdivtseva Olga E.ORCID,Andreev Arkadii A.ORCID,Kurkina Anna V.ORCID,Pervushkin Sergei V.ORCID,Agapov Albert I.ORCID


Aim to conduct a morphological and anatomical study of dried shoots of soft hawthorn collected during the flowering period. Material and methods. The shoots of soft hawthorn were collected during the flowering period in the Botanical Garden of Samara University. The micro-preparations were immersed in an alcohol-water-glycerin mixture (1:1:1). To determine the lignified elements of stems and pedicels, a solution of 2% aniline sulfate in 50% ethanol was used. The samples of raw material were examined in daylight using a magnifying glass and a "Motic DM-39C-N9GO-A" binocular. The microscopic examination was performed in transmitted and reflected light using a digital microscope Carl Zeiss Primo Star 415500-0057-000 (Imaging Software for Microscopy ZEN soge V2.7). Results. The study of anatomical and morphological properties of hawthorn shoots revealed their most characteristic feature - the abundant pubescence with simple hairs. In addition, the edge of the leaf blades, bracts and sepals had multicellular glands with brown contents. Conclusion. The anatomy of the petiole of the hawthorn leaf was described for the first time. The study allows us to identify characteristic changes in the conducting system of the leaf. The morphological and anatomical analysis allows us to identify the common features of the semi-soft hawthorn and closely related species.


Samara State Medical University

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