Polyurea–Graphene Nanocomposites—The Influence of Hard-Segment Content and Nanoparticle Loading on Mechanical Properties


Tzelepis Demetrios A.12ORCID,Khoshnevis Arman3ORCID,Zayernouri Mohsen34,Ginzburg Valeriy V.1


1. Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 48824, USA

2. Materials Division, US-Army, Ground Vehicle System Center, Warren, MI 48397, USA

3. Department of Mechanical Engineering, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 48824, USA

4. Department of Statistics and Probability, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 48824, USA


Polyurethane and polyurea-based adhesives are widely used in various applications, from automotive to electronics and medical applications. The adhesive performance depends strongly on its composition, and developing the formulation–structure–property relationship is crucial to making better products. Here, we investigate the dependence of the linear viscoelastic properties of polyurea nanocomposites, with an IPDI-based polyurea (PUa) matrix and exfoliated graphene nanoplatelet (xGnP) fillers, on the hard-segment weight fraction (HSWF) and the xGnP loading. We characterize the material using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA). It is found that changing the HSWF leads to a significant variation in the stiffness of the material, from about 10 MPa for 20% HSWF to about 100 MPa for 30% HSWF and about 250 MPa for the 40% HSWF polymer (as measured by the tensile storage modulus at room temperature). The effect of the xGNP loading was significantly more limited and was generally within experimental error, except for the 20% HSWF material, where the xGNP addition led to about an 80% increase in stiffness. To correctly interpret the DMA results, we developed a new physics-based rheological model for the description of the storage and loss moduli. The model is based on the fractional calculus approach and successfully describes the material rheology in a broad range of temperatures (−70 °C–+70 °C) and frequencies (0.1–100 s−1), using only six physically meaningful fitting parameters for each material. The results provide guidance for the development of nanocomposite PUa-based materials.


US Army Ground Vehicle System Center

ARO Young Investigator Program (YIP) award

NSF award




Polymers and Plastics,General Chemistry








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