Enhancement of Multimodal Microwave-Ultrasound Breast Imaging Using a Deep-Learning Technique


Khoshdel VahabORCID,Ashraf Ahmed,LoVetri Joe


We present a deep learning method used in conjunction with dual-modal microwave-ultrasound imaging to produce tomographic reconstructions of the complex-valued permittivity of numerical breast phantoms. We also assess tumor segmentation performance using the reconstructed permittivity as a feature. The contrast source inversion (CSI) technique is used to create the complex-permittivity images of the breast with ultrasound-derived tissue regions utilized as prior information. However, imaging artifacts make the detection of tumors difficult. To overcome this issue we train a convolutional neural network (CNN) that takes in, as input, the dual-modal CSI reconstruction and attempts to produce the true image of the complex tissue permittivity. The neural network consists of successive convolutional and downsampling layers, followed by successive deconvolutional and upsampling layers based on the U-Net architecture. To train the neural network, the input-output pairs consist of CSI’s dual-modal reconstructions, along with the true numerical phantom images from which the microwave scattered field was synthetically generated. The reconstructed permittivity images produced by the CNN show that the network is not only able to remove the artifacts that are typical of CSI reconstructions, but can also improve the detectability of tumors. The performance of the CNN is assessed using a four-fold cross-validation on our dataset that shows improvement over CSI both in terms of reconstruction error and tumor segmentation performance.


Canadian Cancer Society

Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada




Electrical and Electronic Engineering,Biochemistry,Instrumentation,Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics,Analytical Chemistry

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1. DiffusionEMIS: Diffusion Model for 3-D Electromagnetic Inverse Scattering;IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing;2024

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