The Goat as a Risk Factor for Parasitic Infections in Ovine Flocks


García-Dios David,Panadero RosarioORCID,Díaz PabloORCID,Viña Miguel,Remesar SusanaORCID,Prieto AlbertoORCID,López-Lorenzo GonzaloORCID,Martínez-Calabuig Néstor,Díez-Baños PabloORCID,Morrondo PatrocinioORCID,López Ceferino M.ORCID


Small ruminants in northwestern Spain are frequently managed in mixed flocks. Sheep–goat joint management has not been considered a risk factor for parasite infection, so the main objective of this study was to establish if mixed management with goats supposes a risk factor for parasitic infections in ovine flocks. Two thousand and ninety-three sheep were sampled from 74 commercial meat ovine flocks for diagnostic of the main parasites. Goat contact was a risk factor for sheep to be infected by protostrongylids, Dictyocaulus filaria, gastrointestinal nematodes and Eimeria spp. In contrast, Moniezia, Fasciola hepatica, Dicrocoelium dendriticum and Paramphistomidae prevalences were not influenced. Sheep–goat mixed management can be considered as a risk factor, since goats would act as a source of pasture contamination for interspecific parasites (protostrongylids, Dictyocaulus filaria and gastrointestinal nematodes). In relation to host-specific parasites, such as Eimeria spp., goats cannot be considered as a source for sheep, but competition for food and spaces between both small ungulates can suppose a reduced grazing area to sheep, provoking high environmental contamination and stress that facilitate their infection. Future epidemiological studies for parasitic infections in small ruminants should consider sheep–goat mixed management as a possible risk factor to be included in multivariate analyses.


Consellería de Cultura, Educación e Ordenación Universitaria, Xunta de Galicia




General Veterinary,Animal Science and Zoology

Reference23 articles.

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