Warm-Up Strategies and Effects on Performance in Racing Horses and Sport Horses Competing in Olympic Disciplines


Frippiat Thibault12ORCID,Votion Dominique-Marie1ORCID


1. Fundamental and Applied Research for Animals & Health (FARAH), Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Liège, 4000 Liège, Belgium

2. Sportpaardenarts—Equine Sports Medicine, 1250AD Laren, The Netherlands


Warm-up is a standard component of exercise preparation, intended to lower the risk of injury and improve performance. Comprehensive evidence-based guidelines per discipline are missing. This scoping review aimed to describe the physiological effects and strategies of active warm-up in horses according to different equestrian disciplines. The search strategies identified 479 papers for review. After application of selection criteria, 23 articles published from 1996 to January 2024 were included of which 12 discussed the effects of warm-up on physiological parameters and 11 discussed warm-up strategies in different disciplines. As shown in humans, warm-up enhanced aerobic capacity and increased blood and muscle temperatures, independently from its intensity. Riders emphasized the importance of warm-up to prepare horses for physical work and to increase their reactiveness to aids. A canter or trot was the preferred gait in elite or non-elite dressage horses, respectively, while the walk was in show jumping horses. Warm-up duration and intensity increased with increasing competitive level, but a longer and/or more intensive warm-up did not affect the final score. Dressage riders warmed up their horses for a longer time compared to show jumping riders. Future studies should objectively establish the most profitable warm-up strategies per equestrian discipline and level.










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