Surgical Approaches to Pancoast Tumors


Petrella Francesco12ORCID,Casiraghi Monica12,Bertolaccini Luca1ORCID,Spaggiari Lorenzo12


1. Division of Thoracic Surgery, IRCCS European Institute of Oncology, 20141 Milan, Italy

2. Department of Oncology and Hemato-Oncology, University of Milan, 20122 Milan, Italy


Pancoast tumors, also defined as superior sulcus tumors, still represent a complex clinical condition requiring high technical surgical skills within more articulated multimodality treatment. The morbidity and mortality rates after Pancoast tumor treatments range from 10 to 55% and 0 to 7%, respectively, and the 5-year survival rate has significantly improved in recent years thanks to the advancement of treatments. Although a multimodality approach combining chemotherapy, radiotherapy, and surgery allows for radical resection and effective local control in the vast majority of patients, many patients cannot receive surgical resection or complete the whole programmed therapeutic regimen. Systemic relapse, particularly cerebral recurrence, still poses a significant issue in this cohort of patients. Surgical resection still plays a pivotal role within the multimodality approach. Here, we focus on surgical approaches to both anterior and posterior Pancoast tumors: the anterior transclavicular approach (Dartevelle); the anterior transmanubrial approach (Grunenwald–Spaggiari); the anterior trap-door approach (Masaoka, Nomori); the posterior approach (Shaw–Paulson); the hemiclamshell approach; and hybrid approaches. Global clinical condition, tumor histology, and long-term perspectives should always be taken into consideration when embarking on such a demanding oncologic scenario.


Italian Ministry of Health




Medicine (miscellaneous)

Reference38 articles.

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1. Von Falltür bis 3 mm – Zugangswege in der Thoraxchirurgie;Zeitschrift für Herz-,Thorax- und Gefäßchirurgie;2023-10-18







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