A Multidisciplinary Approach for the Sustainable Technical Design of a Connected, Automated, Shared and Electric Vehicle Fleet for Inner Cities


Rieger Paul1ORCID,Heckelmann Paul2ORCID,Peichl Tobias2ORCID,Schwindt-Drews Sarah3ORCID,Theobald Nina3ORCID,Crespo Arturo1ORCID,Oetting Andreas1,Rinderknecht Stephan2ORCID,Abendroth Bettina3ORCID


1. Institute for Railway Engineering, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Technical University of Darmstadt, Otto-Berndt-Straße 2, 64287 Darmstadt, Germany

2. Institute for Mechatronic Systems, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Technical University of Darmstadt, Otto-Berndt-Straße 2, 64287 Darmstadt, Germany

3. Institute of Ergonomics and Human Factors, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Technical University of Darmstadt, Otto-Berndt-Straße 2, 64287 Darmstadt, Germany


The increasing volume of personal motorized vehicles (PMVs) in cities has become a serious issue leading to congestion, noise, air pollution and high land consumption. To ensure the sustainability of urban transportation, it is imperative to transition the current transportation paradigm toward a more sustainable state. Transitions within socio-technical systems often arise from niche innovation. Therefore, this paper pursues the technical optimization of such a niche innovation by applying a technical sustainability perspective on an innovative mobility and logistics concept within a case study. This case study is based on a centrally managed connected, automated, shared and electric (CASE) vehicle fleet which might replace PMV use in urban city centers of the future. The key technical system components of the envisioned mobility and logistics concept are analyzed and optimized with regard to economic, ecological and social sustainability dimensions to maximize the overall sustainability of the ecosystem. Specifically, this paper identifies key challenges and proposes possible solutions across the vehicle components as well as the orchestration of the vehicles’ operations within the envisioned mobility and logistics concept. Thereby, the case study gives an example of how different engineering disciplines can contribute to different sustainability dimensions, highlighting the interdependences. Finally, the discussion concludes that the early integration of sustainability considerations in the technical optimization efforts of innovative transportation systems can provide an important building block for the transition of the current transportation paradigm to a more sustainable state.


German Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport



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