Molecular Tracking of the Origin of Vesicular Stomatitis Outbreaks in 2004 and 2018, Ecuador


Vasco-Julio David123ORCID,Aguilar Dayana45ORCID,Maldonado Alexander6ORCID,de la Torre Euclides6,Cisneros-Montufar Maria Soledad7ORCID,Bastidas-Caldes Carlos18ORCID,Navarro Juan-Carlos7ORCID,de Waard Jacobus H.4ORCID


1. One Health Research Group, Facultad de Ingenierías y Ciencias Aplicadas, Carrera de Ingeniería en Biotecnología, Universidad de Las Américas, Quito 170530, Ecuador

2. Programa de Posgrado en Ciencias Biológicas, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Ciudad de México 04510, Mexico

3. Centro de Investigación Sobre Enfermedades Infecciosas Instituto Nacional de Salud Pública, Cuernavaca 62050, Mexico

4. One Health Research Group, Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias, Universidad de Las Américas, Quito 170530, Ecuador

5. Escuela de Medicina, Facultad de Ciencias Médicas, de la Salud y de la Vida, Universidad Internacional del Ecuador, Quito 170113, Ecuador

6. Dirección de Diagnóstico Animal, Agencia de Regulación y Control Fito y Zoosanitario, Agrocalidad, Quito 170518, Ecuador

7. Group of Emerging and Neglected Diseases, Ecoepidemiology and Biodiversity, Health Sciences Faculty, Universidad Internacional SEK, Quito 170521, Ecuador

8. Programa de Doctorado en Salud Pública y Animal, Universidad de Extremadura, 06006 Badajoz, Spain


The Vesicular Stomatitis Virus (VSV) is an arbovirus causing vesicular stomatitis (VS) in livestock. There are two serotypes recognized: New Jersey (VSNJV) and Indiana (VSIV). The virus can be transmitted directly by contact or by vectors. In 2018, Ecuador experienced an outbreak of Vesicular Stomatitis (VS) in cattle, caused by VSNJV and VSVIV, with 399 cases reported distributed over 18 provinces. We determined the phylogenetic relationships among 67 strains. For the construction of phylogenetic trees, the viral phosphoprotein gene was sequenced, and trees were constructed based on the Maximum Likelihood method using 2004 outbreak strains from Ecuador (GenBank) and the 2018 sequences (this article). We built a haplotype network for VSNJV to trace the origin of the 2004 and 2018 epizootics through topology and mutation connections. These analyses suggest two different origins, one related to the 2004 outbreak and the other from a transmission source in 2018. Our analysis also suggests different transmission patterns; several small and independent outbreaks, most probably transmitted by vectors in the Amazon, and another outbreak caused by the movement of livestock in the Andean and Coastal regions. We recommend further research into vectors and vertebrate reservoirs in Ecuador to clarify the mechanisms of the reemergence of the virus.


the Agencia de Regulación y Control Fito y Zoosanitario

the Universidad de Las Américas (UDLA), Quito, Ecuador

the Universidad Internacional SEK




General Veterinary

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