Bilateral Transfer of Performance between Real and Non-Immersive Virtual Environments in Post-Stroke Individuals: A Cross-Sectional Study


Mota Deise M. S.1,Moraes Íbis A. P.23ORCID,Papa Denise C. R.4,Fernani Deborah C. G. L.5,Almeida Caroline S.6,Tezza Maria H. S.1,Dantas Maria T. A. P.5,Fernandes Susi M. S.7,Ré Alessandro H. N.1ORCID,Silva Talita D.234ORCID,Monteiro Carlos B. M.12ORCID


1. Physical Activity Sciences, School of Arts, Science and Humanities, University of São Paulo (EACH-USP), São Paulo 03828-000, Brazil

2. Rehabilitation Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, University of São Paulo (FMUSP), São Paulo 01246-903, Brazil

3. Faculty of Medicine, University City of Sao Paulo (UNICID), São Paulo 03071-000, Brazil

4. Medicine (Cardiology) at Escola Paulista de Medicina, Federal University of São Paulo (EPM/UNIFESP), São Paulo 04021-001, Brazil

5. Department of Physiotherapy, Universidade do Oeste Paulista (UNOESTE), Presidente Prudente 19050-920, Brazil

6. Department of Physiotherapy, University of Medical Sciences of Santa Casa of São Paulo, São Paulo 01224-001, Brazil

7. Department of Physiotherapy, Mackenzie Presbyterian University (UPM), São Paulo 01302-907, Brazil


(1) Background: Post-stroke presents motor function deficits, and one interesting possibility for practicing skills is the concept of bilateral transfer. Additionally, there is evidence that the use of virtual reality is beneficial in improving upper limb function. We aimed to evaluate the transfer of motor performance of post-stroke and control groups in two different environments (real and virtual), as well as bilateral transfer, by changing the practice between paretic and non-paretic upper limbs. (2) Methods: We used a coincident timing task with a virtual (Kinect) or a real device (touch screen) in post-stroke and control groups; both groups practiced with bilateral transference. (3) Results: Were included 136 participants, 82 post-stroke and 54 controls. The control group presented better performance during most parts of the protocol; however, it was more evident when compared with the post-stroke paretic upper limb. We found bilateral transference mainly in Practice 2, with the paretic upper limb using the real interface method (touch screen), but only after Practice 1 with the virtual interface (Kinect), using the non-paretic upper limb. (4) Conclusions: The task with the greatest motor and cognitive demand (virtual—Kinect) provided transfer into the real interface, and bilateral transfer was observed in individuals post-stroke. However, this is more strongly observed when the virtual task was performed using the non-paretic upper limb first.


Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior—Brasil




Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis,Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health

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