Reactor and accelerator-based neutrino experiments have played a critical role in the understanding of neutrino oscillations and are currently dominating the high-precision measurements of neutrino oscillation parameters. The discovery of a non-zero θ13 by the reactor experiments has opened the possibility of observing CP violation in the lepton sector by long-baseline accelerator experiments. The current knowledge of the neutrino oscillation parameters will be expanded upon in the near future through more precise measurements, including the discovery of the neutrino mass ordering and the CP-violating phase. This review summarizes the distinct and complementary approach of reactor and accelerator-based neutrino experiments to measure neutrino oscillations. The main scientific achievements of the Double Chooz reactor neutrino experiment and the science program to be developed by the DUNE long-baseline neutrino experiment with the world’s most intense neutrino beam are presented in this article. Spain has strongly contributed to these results and will continue to play a prominent role in the neutrino oscillation program in the coming years.
General Physics and Astronomy