A continuous series of solid solutions (Bi1.5Mg0.75−xFexTa1.5O7±Δ (x = 0–0.75)) with the pyrochlore structure were synthesized with the solid-phase method. It was shown that iron, like magnesium, is concentrated in the structure in the octahedral position of tantalum. Doping with iron atoms led to an increase in the upper limit of the thermal stability interval of magnesium-containing pyrochlore from 1050 °C (x = 0) up to a temperature of 1140 °C (x = 1). The unit cell constant a and thermal expansion coefficient (TEC) increase uniformly slightly from 10.5018 Å up to 10.5761 Å and from 3.6 up to 9.3 × 10−6 °C−1 in the temperature range 30–1100 °C. The effect of iron(III) ions on the thermal stability and thermal expansion of solid solutions was revealed. It has been established that the thermal stability of iron-containing solid solutions correlates with the unit cell parameter, and the lower the parameter, the more stable the compound. The TEC value, on the contrary, is inversely proportional to the cell constant.
The Center of X-ray diffraction studies at the Research Park of St. Petersburg State University
Ministry of Science and Higher Education of Russia
General Materials Science