Model of Electric Locomotive Simulator Cabin Excitations


Chudzikiewicz Andrzej1ORCID,Góra Ignacy2,Gerlici Juraj3ORCID,Koziak Seweryn4ORCID,Krzyszkowski Andrzej1,Stelmach Anna4ORCID


1. Faculty of Transport, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Casimir Pulaski Radom University, Malczewskiego 29 Street, 26-600 Radom, Poland

2. Office of Rail Transport (UTK), Aleje Jerozolimskie 134 Street, 02-305 Warsaw, Poland

3. Department of Transport and Handling Machines, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Žilina, Univerzitná 8215/1, 01026 Zilina, Slovakia

4. Faculty of Transport, Warsaw University of Technology, Koszykowa Street 75, 00-662 Warszawa, Poland


Striving to increase the speed of rail vehicles and thus improve the comfort of traveling passengers at the same time, undertakes activities in the sphere of ensuring an appropriate level of safety of rail, passenger, and freight transport. One of the elements of activities in this area is the training of train drivers. Until recently, this training consisted of a theoretical and practical part on the vehicle, alongside an experienced train driver. Considering the increasing level of automation of railway traffic control systems and locomotive equipment, as well as training costs and requirements related to the introduction of TSI, it is becoming an increasingly common requirement to conduct practical training on railway vehicle traffic simulators, while the conditions in the simulator cabin and the trainee’s feelings should correspond to the actual driving conditions. A locomotive driving simulator is a system consisting of a cabin of a suitable type of locomotive or EMU, mapped in 1:1 scale, coupled with a motion excitation system and computer programs connected together forming the software of the cab visualization and dynamics system. The basic program simulating the dynamics and kinematics of the cabin’s motion is a program containing a motion dynamics model that generates signals forcing the movement of the exciters on which the cabin’s platform is mounted. The correct operation of the simulation model depends on the created mathematical model, which can be built in several ways. This article presents the issue of building a mathematical model describing the dynamics of the rail vehicle motion, which can then be used in the simulation model of the simulator cabin motion. Two ways of proceeding in the process of approaching the construction of a mathematical model of rail vehicle motion dynamics will be presented, with the possibility of later use in creating a simulation model of the motion of the locomotive simulator cabin. One of the possible routes was used in the past in the construction of the EP09 locomotive simulator.


Faculty of Transport of the Warsaw University of Technology



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