Understanding the underlying processes and extracting detailed characteristics of rivers is critical and has not yet been fully developed. The purpose of this study was to examine the performance of non-linear time series methods on environmental data. Specifically, we performed an analysis of water level measurements, extracted from sensors, located on specified stations along the Nestos River (Greece), with Recurrence Plots (RP) and Recurrence Quantification Analysis (RQA) methods. A more detailed inspection with the sliding windows (epoqs) method was applied on the Recurrence Rate, Average Diagonal Line and Trapping Time parameters, with results showing phase transitions providing useful information about the dynamics of the system. The suggested method seems to be promising for the detection of the dynamical transitions that can characterize distinct time windows of the time series and reveals information about the changes in state within the whole time series. The results will be useful for designing the energy policy investments of producers and also will be helpful for dam management assessment as well as government energy policy.
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2 articles.