A reliable log system is a prerequisite for many applications. Financial systems need to have transactions logged in a precise manner, medical systems rely on having trusted medical records and security logs record system access requests in order to trace malicious attempts. Keeping multiple copies helps to achieve availability and reliability against such hackers. Unfortunately, maintaining redundant copies in a distributed manner in a byzantine setting has always been a challenging task, however it has recently become simpler given advances in blockchain technologies. In this work, we present a tamper-resistant log system through the use of a blockchain. We leverage the immutable write action and distributed storage provided by the blockchain as a basis to develop a secure log system, but we also add a privacy preserving layer that is essential for many applications. We detail the security and privacy aspects of our solution, as well as how they relate to performance needs in relevant settings. Finally, we implement our system over Hyperledger Fabric and demonstrate the system’s value for several use cases. In addition, we provide a scalability analysis for applying our solution in a large-scale system.
Computer Networks and Communications
Reference41 articles.
1. PCI Security Standards Councilhttps://zh.pcisecuritystandards.org/index.php
2. Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Acthttps://www11.anthem.com/networkupdate/articles/archive/oct2017_healthinsurance.html
3. The General Data Protection Regulationhttps://www.gdpr-info.eu/
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13 articles.